Curse you, WordPress!

That’s right, curse you! You’ve made it so easy and convenient to make blog posts. Even on my homepage, there’s that nice little “New Post” button. I can just start typing without even leaving the page I’m on. And once I’ve finished my post, I can ignore my intuition that is screaming, “COPY THE TEXT” before I hit submit. Yep, I can just ignore that.

And then you had me.

Poof! It’s all gone. Countless seconds, multiple sips of coffee, part of a scone, and I’ve got nothing to show for hit. Desperately, I hit the ‘back’ key, the ‘forward’ key, the ‘back’ key once again. I try reopening closed tabs, checking my unpublished posts, crossing my fingers, but to no avail. It was too good to be true. You lured me with your promise of easy, convenient blogging and then dashed my hopes upon a merciless, impersonal sea of 1’s and 0’s. I had even used tags! You not only disappeared my words, you disappeared my tags. And if I’m using words like ‘disappeared’ now, it’s because you disappeared all the well grammar I hads, two.

So it’s back to the old way, the tried-and-true method of logging in, going to my Dashboard, and blogging the way God freaking intended us to blog.