
It’s Nanowrimo, and you know what that means!


Well, it was Nanowrimo 6 weeks ago when I started this post and made it through a whole sentence, but then life happened. Nanowrimo, for those of you that don’t know, is NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth. While I didn’t have intentions of writing a whole novel, I was going to at least do a blog post every day for the month. I would like to write a novel someday, and one of the purposes of the Nanowrimo blogging would have been to develop my writing style. But alas, November has come and gone, and holy crap, December is halfway through.

On the plus side, I’ve knocked out a few research papers, presentations, and finals, changed lots of diapers, and gained a few levels in Skyrim. One more final tomorrow and I will officially be saying no-no wrimo to my PhD courseload. Then it’ll be pure research from here on out.

So Nanowrimo has come and gone, and this introductory post is a little late, or maybe I’m just getting an early start on next year. Yeah, I’ll go with that. I’m planning ahead, 11 months ahead, and there’s more coming your way.

Because I’m totally on the ball here.

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