Semiconductors: doping the divine

A few atoms can change the electronic properties of millions of atoms, a few words can change your soul.

This blog is made possible by doping. In the semiconductor world, impurities are often added in very small quantities to pure silicon in order to change its electronic properties. Different dopants have different effects on the final product, and through various combinations of doped semiconductor materials, we get solar cells, LCD screens, microprocessors, iPods, and pretty much every modern electronic device you can think of.

In doping, very specific elements are introduced to bring about the desired quality in a compound. And it doesn’t take very much. As few as 1 dopant atom in 100 million bulk atoms is all it takes to drastically alter the properties of your semiconductor. A few tiny atoms have a very big effect. When these atoms enter into the crystal structure of the parent compound, visibly, you probably don’t see anything different. But the essence of the compound has wildly changed. Everything is different. A pinch of boron or phosphorus or sulfur… and an ordinary compound gets extraordinary properties. What once was just very clean sand is now capable of all kinds of technological wonders.

We’re no different. Our minds are made up of all kinds of thoughts, ideas, opinions, dreams, worries, fears, and fantasies. This is our unimpressive, undoped state. And like undoped silicon, our minds in that state aren’t very useful. But add the right dopant and our consciousness changes. A few words, a simple idea… add these things to your mind, put them in your consciousness, and see what happens.

“We are all one.”

“I love being me.”

“I am unstoppable.”

“We are all perfect.”

“Love is all there is.”

Pick a thought, mix it in, let it crystallize. Keep it in the back of your mind as you go about the day. Where there was once separateness, now there is connection. Where there was once fear and loneliness, now there is love. It doesn’t take much… just a pinch of an idea, just a mustard seed amount, and mental mountains will have moved. This is doping for the mind, this is doping the divine.

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