Semiconductors: doping the divine

A few atoms can change the electronic properties of millions of atoms, a few words can change your soul.

This blog is made possible by doping. In the semiconductor world, impurities are often added in very small quantities to pure silicon in order to change its electronic properties. Different dopants have different effects on the final product, and through various combinations of doped semiconductor materials, we get solar cells, LCD screens, microprocessors, iPods, and pretty much every modern electronic device you can think of.

In doping, very specific elements are introduced to bring about the desired quality in a compound. And it doesn’t take very much. As few as 1 dopant atom in 100 million bulk atoms is all it takes to drastically alter the properties of your semiconductor. A few tiny atoms have a very big effect. When these atoms enter into the crystal structure of the parent compound, visibly, you probably don’t see anything different. But the essence of the compound has wildly changed. Everything is different. A pinch of boron or phosphorus or sulfur… and an ordinary compound gets extraordinary properties. What once was just very clean sand is now capable of all kinds of technological wonders.

We’re no different. Our minds are made up of all kinds of thoughts, ideas, opinions, dreams, worries, fears, and fantasies. This is our unimpressive, undoped state. And like undoped silicon, our minds in that state aren’t very useful. But add the right dopant and our consciousness changes. A few words, a simple idea… add these things to your mind, put them in your consciousness, and see what happens.

“We are all one.”

“I love being me.”

“I am unstoppable.”

“We are all perfect.”

“Love is all there is.”

Pick a thought, mix it in, let it crystallize. Keep it in the back of your mind as you go about the day. Where there was once separateness, now there is connection. Where there was once fear and loneliness, now there is love. It doesn’t take much… just a pinch of an idea, just a mustard seed amount, and mental mountains will have moved. This is doping for the mind, this is doping the divine.

The wisdom and power of Dr. Who

I made the mistake of watching an episode of Dr. Who. This was a mistake because it was really good, I’ve got a million things to do, and getting sucked into a TV series is exactly the thing that I don’t need to be happening right now. For a few years, people have been telling me that I need to watch this show, that I would love it. But I’ve steadfastly resisted the temptation and their recommendations because I have so many other things to do. Familial duties, work, research, school, exams, the occasional blog post, plus a myriad of side projects – all demanding my time. Watching Dr. Who should be one of the last things on my priority list.

But the deed has been done. I had a taste, just a small little taste, and even now, I hear the Doctor calling me from beyond the bounds of space and time. I really shouldn’t watch anymore. There’s no good reason to.

…Or is there?

What if this isn’t about entertainment? Yes, I found the first few episodes entertaining, but that wasn’t what drew me back. There was something else going on. Something profound, something… dare I say it, spiritual. There was wisdom in his words, wisdom and power. I wasn’t just watching some ordinary sitcom, this was no reality TV-show. No, this was a spiritual metaphor, a lesson, and a journey for the soul.

Who is this man, this doctor that smiles in the face of the imminent destruction of the human race? About to be incinerated by hellacious fires, or have the life sucked out of him by giant aliens, he stops, makes a joke or two, hits on a hot girl, and then continues running for his life.

What joy! What freedom! He is himself, completely, 100%, no matter what is happening. He is his own master. Death and destruction do not cower him, hatred and judgement can not touch him. The past and the future have no meaning. All he knows is the present. Whether it’s the present today, at the end of the universe, or 1 million years ago, it all exists in the Now. He gives no thought to what tomorrow may bring. In a world that’s fallen asleep, his presence radiates, “Be here NOW. Enjoy this sacred, perfect moment. And while you’re at it, watch out for that death ray that’s pointed at you.”

What passion! What ferocity! Like an arrow, he springs toward his objective. Nothing can stand in his way. He plays the game of life for high stakes. He plays all out. Whether it’s finding a bite to eat or preventing the takeover of London, he does it with all his being. And if he doesn’t hit his target, it doesn’t matter. Yes, the world may end, yes, he might die, yes, the entire universe may be snuffed out, but he’s having fun. He is being himself, he’s truly giving his all in everything he does. And when you live like that, when you enjoy life like that, the outcome really doesn’t matter. You’re there for the journey, for the ride, for the sheer joy of it.

Here’s a man who could have anything. Riches, fame, fortune… but what fun would that be? Instead, he roams the space-time continuum, seeking fun and adventure, fighting the good fight, dancing with death, and enjoying every second of it. From an alien race of time lords, he brings us a message about humanity, about ourselves. What would the world be like if we all had the wisdom and power of Dr. Who?

The phone booth is open. Stop what you’re doing. Heed his words. Find enlightenment in his smile. Take some of the Doctor’s medicine and live life like you’re indestructible.

Ok, I’ve convinced myself, I need to finish the season.